Browse Author Index

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Anderson, Eric H
Axe, Douglas D., Protein Structure-Function; Biologic Institute
Axe, Douglas D.
Axe, Douglas D., Functional constraints in enzymes; Biola University
Axe, Douglas D., Biologic Institute


Bartlett, Jonathan Laine, The Blyth Institute
Bartlett, Jonathan, The Blyth Institute
Bechly, Günter, Biologic Institute
Burgess, Stuart, Biomimetics and Biomechanics; University of Bristol


Castro-Chavez, Fernando, Baylor College of Medicine


Daniels, Alisa D., Biola University
Díaz Pachón, Daniel Andrés, Research Assistant Professor, Division of Biostatistics—University of Miami
Díaz-Pachón, Daniel Andrés, University of Miami
Dembski, William A., Discovery Institute
Dembski, William A.
Dembski, William A., Discovery Institute (United States)
Denton, Michael J., Aditya Jyot Eye Hospital


Ebnet, Stephanie, University of Wisconsin-Superior
Egnor, Michael, Stony Brook University
Ewert, Winston, Baylor Univrsity
Ewert, Winston, Baylor University, Department of Computer Science
Ewert, Winston
Ewert, Winston (United States)
Ewert, Winston, Biologic Institute (Canada)
Ewert, Winston
Ewert, Winston, Baylor University (United States)
Ewert, Winston, Biologic Institute


Fahey, Pamela F., Biologic Institute
Flatau, Stephanie


Gauger, Ann K., Biologic Institute Seattle Washington
Gauger, Ann K., Biologic Institute, Seattle Washington
Gauger, Ann K.
Gauger, Ann, Biologic Institute
Gauger, Ann K., Biologic Institute
Gerry, Jireh, Biola University
Gonzalez, Guillermo, Biologic Institute


Hössjer, Ola, Mathematical Statistics, Stockholm University
Hössjer, Ola, Stockholm University
Hössjer, Ola, Department of Mathematics Stockholm University
Holloway, Eric, Baylor University


Leisola, Matti, Aalto University
LeMaster, James C
Lu, Philip


Marks, Robert, Evolutionary Computing and Information Theory; Baylor University
Marks II, Robert J., Evolutionary Computing and Information Theory; Baylor University
Marks II, Robert J., Baylor University, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Marks II, Robert J., Baylor University
Matuscak, Scott T., University of Missouri-Columbia
McLatchie, Jonathan, Discovery Instittute
Meyer, Stephen C., Discovery Institute
Mitchell, William, Biola University
Montañez, George, Baylor University, Department of Computer Science
Montañez, George D


Nelson, Paul A., Biola University
Nemati, David, Baylor University


Pastinen, Ossi, Aalto University
Pop, Gheorghe A., Radboud University Medical Center


Randall, Sarah, Biola University
Reeves, Colin, Department of Mathematical Sciences Coventry University
Reeves, Colin, Applied Mathematics, Coventry University (United Kingdom)
Reeves, Mariclair A.


Schulz, Waldean A, Conceptual Assets
Schulz, Waldean A
Seelke, Ralph, University of Wisconsin-Superior
Sewell, Granville, University of Texas, El Paso
Sloop, Gregory, Idaho College of Osteopathic Medicine
Sloop, Gregory
Snoke, David, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Pittsburgh
St. Cyr, John A., Jacqmar, Inc.
Swift, David


Tan, Change L, Forest of Life Research and Education Center
Tan, Change Laura, University of Missouri-Columbia


Wells, Jonathan, Cell and Developmental Biology; Biologic Institute
Wilkerson, Sabrina, Biola University

1 - 74 of 74 Items    

ISSN: 2151-7444